NYC Society

Before I begin I'd like to note that I have not been on top of my blog posts, missing the exact dates of when to post. It's as if the communication part of knowing there is one due was lost along the way during the semester. And that might tie into organizational communication, a topic we'd cover in the future. Though, this blog post is on that of the past, specifically intercultural communication.

I have always been interested in different cultures other than mine for the simple fact that I was and still am surrounded by so many different people. New York City is easily one of the most diverse places known globally, and to be born and raised here is nothing but a blessing! Living in such a diverse environment definitely impacted how I view the world, how important respect is and how important cultures are. In a video shown to us about three men moving to America from Africa, I saw how different people are treated outside of New York. Because they moved to Pittsburgh rather than New York, their experience must have been unlike one they would have gotten in the city. Because New York is made up of everyone, I feel as if those three men would have felt more comfortable in the city for they'd find more people from their country. They would have had someone to properly show them around. New York's society is very different than that of Pittsburgh as I feel there is unspoken respect for others in New York. Cultures here are respected as they give the community so much. Music, food, dances, clothing-- different cultures are the ones that mostly shape the city. So, one knows not to disrespect others, we just kindly mind our business and accept it. Of course racism and discrimination is still very much part of our society, it is part of every society as they are social issues that will never disappear, New York is still whole. Its diversity is what makes it so easy to get along with others, despite the social issues that take place. In conclusion, I think if those three men had traveled to New York City rather than Pittsburgh, their experience would have been different in very many ways. Wherever they are come to New York!

Link to video:


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